Monday, May 20, 2013

so sad

something was really bothering Zoe tonight.. She watched the cartoon "Kaijudo", and said the show didn't end well.  We read two princess stories, oddly both about loosing their mom... not good.. for the last year, she has cried often right before bed; her worst fear is loosing me.. that is also my worst fear.. loosing Zoe, Finn or Bruce.. or them loosing me.. not that I've ever told her that.. but she often has night time going to bed fears like that but tonight it seemed worse.. she cried for more than 30 minutes.. really crying.. and I just held her and told her everything will be alright.  I told her just to cry it out.. I told her I sometimes I have fears too, sometimes I get scared too, but that just crying it out, and then know it will all be okay makes it all better.  But she had a really hard time letting it go... she pretty much cried herself to sleep tonight.

It does seem to be age appropriate... Zoe's friend Asha has a fear of being robbed (something to do with a movie she saw with her Dad).

I held her as tight as I could.. snuggled her in.. she finally fell asleep.. boy does it make my heart ache to see her so sad.

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