Monday, July 22, 2013

Lemonade stand

Sunday the kids had a lemonade stand at Asha's house... They made $30.45 and even met the mayor of Oak Bay. Plans for all proceeds to go to charity. The win seemed to be in asking for price by donation instead of fixed price.

Crossing the street

Zoe is in love with going to "Pam's"... Specifically to see her dog Shelby. I always tell her to pause and look both ways for crossing the street.... She goes to do so and says: "see Mom, I always look left right up down, to check for cars, falling airplanes and cats!"

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


at bed time, we read an episode of "Archie meets Glee" (Glee is a tv show) and Finn from Glee asks Archie which girl he wants.  Archie says he doesn't know.  Finn asks him to imagine himself on a deserted island, which girl does he want there.. and in comes a girl that is half Veronica, half Betty.. "Bettronica"... as she is falling asleep, Zoe reflects on this.. asks me which I would choose.. I choose Betty.. Zoe wouldn't pick.. then she says.. "you know, I look like Betty, but in the inside I'm more like Veronica... Betty is cute, but Veronica is more Sensitive." She goes on to tell me that Veronica can be quite nice, but sometimes she is just really sensitive, "Like me".. "Don't tell anyone, but sometimes I get so mad just at nothing"  (and yes, she does)..  It is comforting to hear such introspection. Like Veronica, Zoe feels strongly about things.

She also added that today at Splash camp she did the water slide! (a big deal.. she was quite scared of it!)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Baking part 2



Baking without a recipe

One time thus weekend, the kids decided to bake, but did not want to hear of a recipe... Ingredients included ( of their own choosing).. Brown sugar, honey, wheat flour, water .. And I added a little baking soda.
Finn's was very tasty, Zoe's was, well, not.. But it was only due to random chance.

First day of summer camps

Today was the first day of summer camp. Finn went to camp Andrea which included a whole lot of acting school with 3rd grade Megan in charge. Final act included the water park.

Zoë Went to splash camp.. Which includes lots of in pool and our of pool playing. She finished her day with more Asha and Claire at Claire's pool. By 5:30 they looked like this... Only I think one of them was faking...