Saturday, December 28, 2013

Zoe's first oil painting

With her Nana talking to her about painting, pallets, laying out color thick, mixing color, Zoe used the paints given to her by Auntie Carrie and created the oil painting seen here. Nana said there are only 3 strikes on the entire painting that are not Zoe's.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Collaborative art

Zoe and Finn worked together on this.. Finn did all the snowballs and dots on Santa ..

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

her own room

For the first time ever Zoe has asked for a room of her own.. so she can paint it.  Really, I can't wait to be able to paint a room with her.. what fun that would be.. She is trying to decide between painting a forest and painting a candy shop (with lots of cups of hot chocolate)...

god is an artist

One night last week Zoe got all mystical on me.. laying in bed, Finn asleep, this is the time she talks to me.. this one night she asked:
What if we all live in a painting? What if God is a really, really good painter. What if she just paints us and the trees, and the flowers and the animals.  What if there is just a large gallery and Earth is just one of the paintings.

That is a universe I want to live in.

Sunday, December 1, 2013