Friday, July 31, 2009

Zoe shares a cookie

I just brought down a peace cookie (I had to torture hold Zoe to get a hangnail that was making her cry, but she wouldn't let me get to).. there were 3 cookies, they were meant for Finn, but he is still too young for them.. she took 2 out, said "One for me, One for Finn"... I had to let her give them to Finn (but again, he is too small for them still.. caused me all sorts of worry).

But what can you do with a sis who really wants to share.


I was frustrated, trying to put Zoe to sleep... in the downstairs (where it is not as dark as her room), because the house was 90 degrees.. and finally, I just closed my eyes laid on my back.. tried to breathe slowly.. with my hands on my belly.

Finally when she stopped doing flips on the bed and laid down next to me.. I see her pushing her belly up like she's pregnant, with her hands on her stomach.. mimicking me and my belly... I had to laugh.. but only on the inside.

more phrases

Zoe has a few cute exclamations most I think from tv shows, some from Anna:

"Great Caesar's Ghost"

"Goodness Gracious Me"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

5 minutes with Zoe

Pieces of one conversation I had with Zoe while she was playing with Playdoh:

On wasps/bees:

"Oooo.. look, they flap their wings.. wish I had wings.. I don't... when they fall, then they bump their heads .. they make bandages our of leaves."

"Finneas! No!" when he petted her kitties)

On getting playdoh out the of the containers, which she did herself:
Mom: "Zoe, can I help you?"
Zoe: "It is very tough to help people. Tough! Tough! Tough!"

Monday, July 20, 2009

Things heard from Zoe

"I'm still mad at you for punishing me" (I thought I heard "banishing", but Bruce corrected me... I had sent Zoe to her room for throwing a fit at dinner.)

"Can I do X? Yes or No?" (repeat)

"Oh its so fresh!" (must be an Anna thing)

There are so many more.. but I'm at a loss.. She is quite clever and put together words that have Bruce and I looking at each other thinking, "where did she get that from?"

Sunday, July 12, 2009

more playdoh

Zoe is in love with playdoh.. she got a new set today and she has been entertained for more than 2 hours.. she is now playing with my favorite part, the hair guy... and it came with scissors for giving it a hair cut!


When Zoe gets an owie, she holds onto it... and we have to sneak a bandaid in.. it usually happens under protest (boy can she scream). Today she was quite tired, it was 2ish, we tried to go to the park, but it was getting colder by the minute.. she took off running because we decided to chase her and get some of her running in quick, she fell, scraped her hand. Into the car we go, somehow Daddy managed to get one hand under the seat strap, but not the other. We get home, her crying all the time, it was obvious she was going to nap. I tried to get her arm out, but couldnt, she had her finger intertwined and was not giving in. I put my hand on her head like I have since she was a baby, sang a short lullabye, and she was out.. I had to pry her fingers apart, one at a time, giving her my hand to hold on to.. finally I got her free and she slept like a rock for 2 hours.. her brother slept for 20 min..

I'm too big...

still, Zoe is too big to jump into the stories she wants to be part of (including Backyardigans.. her new favorite)... I finally figured out where this came from.. Dora of course. Dora always jumps into nursery rhymes, etc. (duh ;)

Monday, July 6, 2009

pedals her tricyle!

Zoe surprised her Dad by just hopping on her tricycle an pedaling... he's tried to teach her in the past... I think as with a lot of things for new learners, the timing was just right (physical ability/coordination)... I believe the same is true of potty training...(which she is not ready for).

Friday, July 3, 2009

singing and playdoh

I had Zoe sing "Wonder Pets" for me one night (June 19th) while I had the camera handy.. but while she was playing with homemade playdoh (salt, water, flour, coloring).. She did a great job (with zest!), but got distracted and sort of made up the ending. But trust me, she knows the whole thing without thinking about.

This week I bought her real playdoh and a fun factory.. we played for an hour today with it.. she really enjoys squishing it out and cutting it with the little knife.

of course!

Zoe now responds to everything requiring an affirmation with the phrase "of course".. which is something her dad says, but not with the frequency that Zoe uses it!