We just returned from a whirlwind tour of SLC and Denver.. 8 days.. felt like more at times ...
Zoe really enjoyed playing with her cousins, with the toys at Nana's and Grandpa's and with the girls (12, 10, 8) and Nathan (almost 3) at the Cowan's.
First we got in the cab to take the float plane from Victoria Inner Harbor to Lake Union...

on the way, about 5 blocks from our house, someone plowed into our taxi.. I was in the back seat with both kids... good thing it was Victoria, where people don't go very fast.. it wasn't a big deal... but scared me all the same. But after asking for a new cab, dragging our bags out of the
seat (the trunk was smashed shut), we made it to the airplane.. we had a phone call saying they had to cancel the flight the day before, but we got off, no problem. Zoe's only comment about the flight the next day was that "I was kind of scared; it took my voice away".. but she was a trooper. Finn slept the whole flight.
Then we met up with everyone: Ashursts and Gooches at Jeff's. I had a cold, was tired, overwhelmed.. it was a tough night. Zoe woke up with Night Terrors.. she hadn't had them in a while. It turns out (I think) that the painting in the room (abstract skiier on a mountain) scared her.. I covered it and all was well.
We enjoyed out time with the Gooches: Brooke and Zoe played together constantly.. fought a bit, Brooke tried to boss Zoe a little, but Zoe didn't take to that well.. but mostly they were together at all times. Zoe didn't take well to Barton.. and it took 2 days for him to get a hug.

Brooke joined us for a trip to the Utah Football Tailgate party. The girls had such a good time playing on "the bus" and on a nearby pirate ship.
Next at Nana's and Grandpa's Zoe was greeted with a toys such as a playdoh burger set.. Within a day she had mixed all the colors.
The first night we had a dinner with everyone.. it got kind of loud, I don't think Gramma appreciated it much. At one point Zoe was in a fit and threw a barbie near the feet of Gramma. Gramma (who is mostly blind), saw the motion and sort of yelled "That's enough at Zoe" with a mean old scowl. I took Zoe downstairs to give Gramma a moment of peace. But when we came back up, Zoe, from across the room, chucked something else her direction... this time on purpose, but didn't hit her. Zoe told me "Gramma scared me.. she looked mean"
The next day we went to the Dinosaur park.. some of which scared Zoe... but she had a grand time in her very frilly, very sparkly, dress which left us all covered in blue glitter.

Next we went to Denver and had a good time with our friends there. It was hard to balance sleep and other schedules since they were on a different (late) schedule.. but the joy Zoe had with the kids, the trampoline, the playset.. it was a good visit. We also had a chance to go to the Children's Museum to let the kids run a bit.
I do however remember at some point Zoe saying, "My nose hurts".. we all had colds, dry noses.. bleeding.. but Zoe was talking about the bead she put up her nose... I kind of freaked out.. asked for tweezers.. but was able to push it out by rubbing the side of her nose once I calmed down.
The flights back was all good but we were glad to be home.