Monday, November 23, 2009

diaper free day!

Zoe on her own initiative has been removing her diaper.. last night this was a problem, as her diaper was the dirty kind.. Dad got the brunt of it...

this morning however, I didn't know, she said "I need a diaper".. I was busy, half confused, and then 1 minute later she said, "Mommy I pee'd"
She had taken off her diaper... After we cleaned up, she found a pair of panties a few minutes later, put them on... she's warn them all day, and while I was taking the cat to the vet (Anna is with her), she went pee-pee on the potty...! on her own initiative.

yeah! It is true... they will work it out on their own. (Nanny-Nanny-Boo-Boo to your nay sayers.. and you know who you are ;)

1 comment:

pollywog said...

I'm reminded of Shauna's story of living in the RV when her son was little and letting him learn by just going in the woods when he got the urge =D