Zoe is really afraid of new people and new places.. I didn't have a name for it until I went to one of the parent information sessions at the preschool.. but this is one of Zoe's 9 traits that make her who she is. It really became obvious when Gran (Bruce's Grandmother) came to stay with us. Zoe is often telling me that she is afraid of her, "I'm scared" "She scares me" "No I don't want to go home, Grandma is here".
But she's now been here a week and we are on our way to "a beautiful relationship".. via chocolate ;) Gran gives her one treat a day. Its working. Light night they played that stacking hand game...
We also had a 2.5 week hiatus from preschool.. and I spent the first day back at the school.. today I took her and it worked better.. I had to stay for the story time, but once she was off to go play with Emily, she was able to say goodbye without the "no, don't go".
Oh, no, she will never remember me!!!
Actually, she talks about "Auntie Rachel" all the time ;)
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