Zoe had her first day of preschool today.. I'm not sure who was more excited (her or me)... we walked in and she was saying things like, "I'm going to school because that is my job" and "This is the path to school".. first in the door, we changed her into her indoor shoes. Put her snack bag in its cubby, and then went to wash her hands... On the way we passed an easel with paint and paper.. "I want to paint"... "no, first we have to wash our hands and then go to circle time"..
"NO! I want to paint".. but she finally consented. In circle time she returned to her "I want to paint" rant, but finally the train whistle blew (very quietly) and circle time started.. most kids were sitting in the laps of parents.. not Zoe, she was standing front and center of the teacher (Frances).. she was asked to sit down and she did. A puppet came out and greeted everyone, and then once the kids said hi to the puppet (shake hands or nose), the kids were free to go play (free play).. Zoe was the second one, and we went on our way. First to paint, then to water table, then to "play in the kitchen".. a little house area. This is where things took a turn for the worse.. Everyone was just playing around each other.. a little boy came into the house, and tried to take the contents of Zoe's pot away.. it went from Zoe's metal tea pot to his, she grabbed it back, he shut the lit on her hand.. one finger peaking out the side got pinched. Zoe cries, falls to the ground folding in half.... screaming.. I finally took her outside to cool off (it was kind of warm in the school)... she calmed, but I tried to get her back in and the scream could be heard by everyone for blocks.. Frances came out and tried to listen and reassure her. I convinced her that she had yet to play with the playdoh, she was over her pain and went in.. phew! I just kept saying, oh, let this not be like Music class.. can't have the first day go badly... but it was okay. Last few minutes of free play at playdoh, then circle time with a story.. Zoe was front and center again with two other girls, and class ended. We had a good morning and I think she will really look forward to school.

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