Saturday, January 26, 2008

words, sounds, signs, playing,

Zoe is pretty fast at developing her communication skills..

She now says very clearly:
mama, daddy, good-girl, go-go, uh-oh, hi, dip, oh-dear, tutu, (ba)nana, taste

She knows the sounds for:
sheep, cow, monkey, dog, cat (sort of), lion (more of just a open mouth roar, than a sound)

She knows the signs for:
baby (her newest one..), more, done, where, taste, eat, up, sleep, quiet, one-minute

We just returned from the indoor kid-drop-in at the rec center with Panos and Tiffany; it was fun. Zoe played by her self mostly, running around, only once stole a toy, once had her baby (who she will now carry everywhere with her) stolen from her. For the first time in a long time (the only other time I could think of was Christmas travel) I put Zoe to nap in my arms.. I miss it.. it is so precious.

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