Wearing a dress that Auntie Rachel gave her for Christmas:

Ever since we returned from the holidays in Utah, Zoe has become obsessed with being naked.. I have some great pictures I'll put of the faces (I'm sure you upset you don't get the sound effects too) as she pulls at her shirt, shoes, she will not rest until she is completely naked. What else can we do, we let her run around naked. And yes, that means no diaper and the results are as you would guess.. Hardwood floors are a blessing. So, when she does this, I've been trying to sit her on the potty and work on signs for having to go. Tonight at some point we guessed, and her dad took her in, sat her down, she got bored, went into the shower, and pee'd ;)
This is how the "getting naked part" starts. As of this weekend, she's been naked at least twice a day.

Get. This. Off.

Time to look into potty training.. is 16 months too young?
perhaps we should take Barton's advice and only let her pee outside. ;)
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