Wednesday, January 2, 2008

trip home

Well... the trip home went really well.. our flights were delayed about 40 minutes, which would have allowed Zoe lots of time to play in the Seattle Airport at the kid climbing place.. but she was almost too tired to enjoy it.. she sat in her stroller for 10 minutes eating a cookie before she finally got up and ran around. She slept completely through the SLC-SEA flight and then fell asleep 20 minutes before the flight in my arms and slept completely through the 30 minute flight (one of the bumpiest, freakiest flights) to Victoria (it was extra scary when the flight attendant screwed-up and said "turn off your approved powered devices, we'll be landing soon".. we hadn't even crossed the Straits of San Juan was so bumpy, and the flight attendants were told to strap in.

Now we're home, and trying to settle back into our routine.. Zoe and Anna spent the day together after being apart for 3 weeks.. I think they missed each other.. but the smile I got when I got home.. extra, extra cute, very large.. very happy.

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