Tuesday, January 29, 2008

more on communication

on the way back from dinner, Zoe said "mama" "dada" and then I got her saying "Anna" (her nanny's name)... then later we worked on "bubbles", "grandpa", which let to "papa", "grandma", "Nana".. she's almost got them all.

She's also learned "cuckoo" (the name Anna gave one of the Fisher Price Little people animals she got for her birthday).

I think she will be well on her way to talking anything we say soon.

Speaking of which, on Sunday we started a new game.. I lie down, on my tummy, she jumps up and down on my spine, until I"m sea-sick, and occasionally falls off to one side, saying "oh dear".. did I mention she can play this game for at least 30 minutes.
Goes to prove, don't start anything with her that you'll get sick of or from...

another segway... we both have another cold.. It had been bugging my throat for weeks.. with SIGGRAPH, it finally stuck, and I passed it to her.. lots of sinus pain.. ick! she is now asleep in her old car seat.. I'm hoping the elevation will get her some better sleep.

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