Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Seek A Boo

Although we haven't played many more times, Zoe does talk about "Seek A Boo" or "Hide and Seek". She is getting quite chatty.. sentences of dialogue that I can't always (often) make out..

A few facts:
* Anna said she came out of her room on her own today after her nap (a first)
* Zoe's bangs are getting so long.. I'm at the point where I really should make a decision on her first hair cut.. I'd like to just grow it out, but she will not allow me to put barrets in.
* Zoe only rarely drinks for a lidded cup, her preference is to nurse, but she will drink out of an open cup.. but what a mess that is
* She can eat her cereal with a spoon; This morning she did it with both hands, using her left more than her right. So far she seems mostly ambidextrous

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