Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bye Bye Rachelle...

Rachelle left Canada for Springville.. we will miss her, especially Zoe who was treated to watching Dora whenever Rachelle could stand it.. which was anytime Zoe wanted ;). We'll also missing hearing Zoe use her high pitched voice to say "mommy? daddy?" and then her normal voice to say "No Chell" (Chell is what Zoe calls her).

Rachelle showed me something she wrote, and I wanted to put it here, so someday Zoe can read about her big sister at age 18.

not your average girl
Girls like me don't come around too often, So grasp the fact you know me and hold on tight because your definatley in for a ride.
LoVE is for fakers
Change is never easy... You fight to hold on,and you fight to let go. By the worlds standards... we will never be perfect.
I formerly reside in a little town i call S ville
I get all these ideas that lead me no where... But I always have fun finding where they go.
I'm starting to turn into a Gym rat for sure
I love to Party and have a good time
I love being crazy and out of control... JOKE
I've changed a lot of things in my life, some for the better.... but mostly for the fun of it.
I do things on the spur of the moment.... for instance moving to canada... Random enough for ya?
I tend to make things up in my head and when I say them out loud I get in trouble.
I'm in love with MOTO X
Bike of choice would definatley be a HONDA
I WISH I could teach you to think the way I do but we would both be wasting our time.
I wont pretend to be someone I'm not just to make people happy
make up is my love
I always pick the worst moments to laugh
And have the tendancy to loose my clothes
Dancing in the rain is a hobby of mine
I wear huge sunglasses to hide what I'm really thinking about you
There are so many things going on in this world and I want to see them all
I wont always tell you what im thinking...unless I trust you
My trust is earned... Not given
I hate when my sneeky plans have been discovered
I forget to keep things to my self and tend to say my rude comments out loud
Laying on the grass and watching clouds pass by is my favorite past time
I'm scared that one day I wont remember all the good times I've had so I'm constantly taking pictures to capture my memories
i worry about not having enough to say, and sometimes end up saying too much
I'll laugh at my own jokes before i will ever laugh at yours
I love braclets.. especially home made ones
Seeing boys smile gives me butterflies
I like to go people watching
I wish I could capture sunlight in a jar
Tye dye is amazing
I think a lot of people need to grow up and take responsibility for them selves
Especially me
making me smile is never hard
making me laugh is even easier
If you tell me your hungry i become hungry too
I am always drinking something, or have a drink in my hand
I wish I had my name in lights, and my hand prints in a star
Sharpie tattoos are the best
Until I figure out what I'm going to waste my time on for the rest of my life Im going to spend it doing things that make me happy. You should come join.
I get along with every one

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