Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zoe's 5th birthday party

Zoe's birthday party went really well... the weather was moderate.. sort of warm.. we had a bouncy castle (for 24 hours), and based up on my email invitation, everyone came with their swimsuits on and it didn't take long before we set up warm pools of water, a sprinkler, and they had a blast.  
Kids ate tons of cake and icecream (although I will say I had twice as much cake as we needed).. and they had great fun.
The pinata worked out perfectly.. Zoe started it... it went through everyone.. the last girl Emily hit it hard enough it the rope broke... and it got a bit broken.  Her 7 year old brother also gave it some good hits.. then we gave Zoe the last couple, took off her blindfold and it wasn't long before candy was everywhere.  Pictures to come.

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