Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First days and week of school

Zoe's kindergarten started last Wednesday with a one hour, parents attending open house... we met both teachers, played in the classroom, etc.  Thursday was Zoe's first full day (only half the students there, other half on Friday)... started with parents in the classroom, dropping off supplies, etc.  Then a little teary goodbye and she had her first day.  Unfortunately there was a little mess up on timing and she was picked up from the office after school by her Dad, but she has handled it much better than I estimated.  

Monday Bruce dropped her off, and I did Tuesday and Wednesday.  This morning she said she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to go to school, but really didn't put up much of a squabble, lined up with her class mates and walked into the building in her kind of carefree skipping way.  I think she really has been longing for the repeatability and challenge of school and it won't be long before she really wants it and misses it on her days off.

The challenge with this is the same with any new schedule.. getting who does what when.  Added to that I'm teaching at pick up.. it has been more stressful a change for the parents than the kid.  But we will adapt and it will work out.

I'm impressed with how fast she is pickup new words... garcon and fille were the first,  more French to come.

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