Today was a busy day.. we made cookies, pies, pulled out Christmas stuff.. Zoe and Gran had a tiny play.. Zoe said she wanted to be a dolphin.. Gran said: "Abracadabra, Allacazam.. you are a dolphin" and Zoe was swimming like a dolphin.. then she wanted to be a lion.... Then she tried to get Gran to play a game of hide and seek.. it didn't really work...
We also had a pseudo-thanksgiving dinner (I couldn't find turkey legs, so we had Chicken ;).. but we had pumpkin pie (the first time I had ever made it.. Laura Deen's recipe).. it turned out well (good thing, we have a ton of it)... We were sitting down enjoying it.. I put the kid's portions in the little bowls that Heather gave us with the built in dip section.. and filled those with whip cream... well Finn was only interested in the cream part.. set to licking it out.. but got stuck.. honestly stuck.. suctioned to the bowl..screaming.. I pushed in on his checks and click.. it unstuck.. we all laughed so hard.. (laughing that hard with a belly full of pie.. not good)... then because it was such a racket, Zoe wanted in on the action.. she also tried, but failed to get stuck.. did get whip cream all over her face.. Finn too.. but then Finn did it again.. so funny...
but the night didn't end there... Gran fell asleep or something and dropped a glass at the table while we were cleaning the kitchen... I cleaned it up.. set to get the kids ready for bed.. Bruce was on a conference call... then I come back in and Gran is collapsed over the chair.. I tried to wake her, no go.. I lowered her to the floor... her eyes were open, she was breathing (hardish).. I scream for Bruce... we all tried to wake here.. now the irreverent part... Zoe comes in "I think she is dead.".. and kept saying it.. Finn would get close.. kind of pokes at her... then at some point he is standing over her.. and is going to put his foot on her. Both kids were quite confused. We put Gran in bed, called the Dr, then the ambulance came.. still waiting to hear.
After Gran was gone to the hospital, Zoe said: "I miss Grandma"
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