Thursday, November 11, 2010


About a month ago Zoe started asking me what signs say... For about two weeks she has been writing a few letters.. And some "alien-like" symbols... Now she is always finding new letters and new ways of making... With her fingers, with sticks, with straws, on paper. This weekend she has started finding them in her surroundings. Today she made an x with her straw and then named it and found the same thing on the exit sign in the restaurant.

Today she found the letter tracing app and was going thru it

The cool part is that they surround them at school by these letters and give them exposure to it, but do not practice it explicitly... It's a lovely thing to find her exposed to and soaking up this new found knowledge.

The letters I have seen her write include

A X H i L O P Z

1 comment:

pollywog said...

I love that she made an "X" out of straws - that is so clever!