Sunday, March 28, 2010

update on Zoe

Zoe is now a full fledge little girl, full of her high and lows (a peak at a teenager?)... one moment she will be giggling over older boys (seriously... I saw her do it twice yesterday, once at a restaurant, once over Levon; I told Bruce about it discretely, he asked Zoe what she was doing, she told him she was just giggling); she can strike the perfect princess/diva pose and does so often. The next she can be crying and carrying on like there is no tomorrow.. some times it is "I want X" and there is no getting past it.. sometimes she has just worked herself up to being "scared" which is her word for anything uncomfortable or frustrating.

She is also working up to be quite the comedian, but her material needs work. She will look at me very seriously and say: "Mommy, I need to tell you something" Followed by "Poop in the house" and her laughing herself silly (Daycare!).

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