She is also working up to be quite the comedian, but her material needs work. She will look at me very seriously and say: "Mommy, I need to tell you something" Followed by "Poop in the house" and her laughing herself silly (Daycare!).
Sunday, March 28, 2010
update on Zoe
Zoe is now a full fledge little girl, full of her high and lows (a peak at a teenager?)... one moment she will be giggling over older boys (seriously... I saw her do it twice yesterday, once at a restaurant, once over Levon; I told Bruce about it discretely, he asked Zoe what she was doing, she told him she was just giggling); she can strike the perfect princess/diva pose and does so often. The next she can be crying and carrying on like there is no tomorrow.. some times it is "I want X" and there is no getting past it.. sometimes she has just worked herself up to being "scared" which is her word for anything uncomfortable or frustrating.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tah Dah! Zoe strikes a pose

Last Friday I took the kids to Sidney to the Aquarium... it is a good place to run around. I had this great plan of getting burgers to-go and that we'd eat outside and let the kids run. In the restaurant, I didn't realize the part I hate the most with kids is the waiting, and by getting food to go, I was still experiencing the worst of dining with kids. In all fairness, the kids were mostly good.. they let me drink my beer without demanding too many sips (although I did drink fast), and only once did I yell, "Zoe where are you?!".. when she was hiding literally under my nose, under the table.. the nice business guys at the next table told me where she was.
Then we finally got our burgers and went outside.. and ran into Anna and Family. In the picture, Zoe takes her new and often seen "I'm a princess, tah dah" pose... ;)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
mermaid butt
[last night as leaving bath...]
[Daddy wrapped Zoe in a towel and she was kicking her feet]
Z: look, I have a mermaid tail for swimming. And a mermaid butt for sitting on rocks[Last night as Daddy was putting Zoë's pajama's on...]
Z: Daddy I am doing my wiggle dance. Do it with me.
D: How does the wiggle dance go?
Z: Stick out your butt like this. Wiggle back and forth. Now look at it.
D: Do I look at mine or yours?
Z: Mine!
Z: [Turns turns around, points at Daddy, jumps up and down and starts yelling]
You are a bum looker! You are a bum looker!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Zoe is quite the lady, getting bigger everyday, very independent.. changes her clothes every 10 minutes when idle, every 5 when busy... picks out her clothing.. she is becoming sensible and will take advise on how much to wear (most of the time) and is now balancing pants/shirts with dresses, becoming a big fan of skirts... but she is still my little baby.. last night she asked me: "tomorrow, can we have another family snuggle?"
bruce had taken a nap and when he was waking up, we all crawled into bed with him... at some point, Zoe was nestled between Bruce and I and couldn't have been happier.
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