Zoe had a fabulous birthday. She's been opening presents for a while.. started 2 days ago opening presents from Nana and Grandpa. We did a video conference, so they watched while she opened it.. I think it left a good taste in her mouth for video conferencing.. every morning since she has mentioned wanting to call them and talk to them. Nana and Grandpa gave her a jewelry box loaded up with jewels, as well as a dress that came with a magic wand. I'm sure she did not put the wand down for 48 hours.

Next we received a tinkerbell dress from Auntie Rachel.. Zoe spent the whole day in it, I was surprised she gave it up for pajamas. Here is the pictures of her trying it on (with Wings!) [I forgot to mention that Auntie Rachel sewed! these outfits herself! Amazing!]

Auntie Rachel also sent us the cupcake dress.. but I couldn't get Zoe out of her tinkerbell one to try it on. In these pictures she is saying, "Oh, Look! I love it!" followed by "I look like BoPeep!"

Zoe also gave up her waist band, and put it on Finneas head, say "Oh, look! A prince!"

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