Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Zoe update

I'm not sure what to say about Zoe of late.. she is growing by leaps and bounds, is really self entertaining.. even when sick (sinus thing) and the hiccups (which she also has right now). She started out by telling me she has the hiccups by saying "just like Benny the Bull".. there is an episode (Hic-Boom-Oh) where Benny has the hiccups.. so cute.

She loves, loves stickers.. we go to the grocery store and she asks for her sticker...and knows which one she wants. Of course a trip to the grocery store always includes sampling.. an apple, a pepper, sometimes a carrot.

she is still a binky baby.. and further knows which one she wants.. not the silicon one (we have a half a dozen), but the brown nipple kind (I know where one is).. and you can't trick her.. even in the dark, she knows which is which.

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