I almost forgot to post this story...
We were in the car, waiting to clear immigration on our way to Anacortes/Seattle, there was a bit of a line, Zoe was getting impatient "all done".. wanted out of her seat, so I put her on my lap. She was there about 2 minutes and she says, "Mommy, a spider", and I'm like, sure, right... and I look down, there is a GIANT RED spider, about half as big as my cell phone.. did I mention red! I've never jumped so fast out of a car, baby in tow.. must of been quite a sight for the people behind us.. and did I mention we were going to go thru immigration? But I was not going to sit back in that car. Bruce took a minute to start to beat on the spider and it got away.. I started tearing through the truck.. found it.. hit is with my foot (remember.. baby on hip, one in the tummy).. didn't get it.. now I'm on the other side of the truck, tearing out things... all the while, we are having to shut doors, so Bruce can inch the car up into the line... finally I found it on a pair of my shorts (not sure why they were in the car), threw them and the spider into the street.. waited for it to clear my shorts.. Bruce is yelling, "kill it".. I must have thought twice about it.. but then I did.. It was red! and it smooshed red too.. icky, icky, icky.
Big sigh, I get back in the car.. Zoe on my lap still... and try not to talk about killing it, but Zoe is asking about th spider.. we tell her it is gone.. not wanting to talk about it being dead.. and she says thing so cute, like "Its going back to see its family".. which it turns out she says often.. must be something Anna taught her.. they've been examining ants, etc.
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