Monday, October 22, 2007

Favorite things..

Things that make Zoe smile:
Splashes in the tub (and I don't mean just a little splash)
The tickle tent (A tent that she goes into and we tickle her)
Dumping water on her head in the tub
Standing on top of something
Playing dress up in the mirror (she uses headbands, scarfs...)
Fishes (the eat-able cheese cracker kind)
Getting squishes (she crawls behind me and I squish her)
Sitting on Mama like a horsey
Daddy holding her upside down

Things that make Mama smile:
Zoe laughing as she nurses
When I see her after returning from work
Okay, anything involving Zoe...

Things that occupy Zoe's time:
Stacking (cups, boxes, ...)
Emptying out Mama's purse, and putting everything back
Actually filing and emptying any container with anything
Reading books

Zoe's favorite books:
The small tiny book Auntie Rachel gave her (Sing a song of six-pence)
The Big Red Barn
The Freight Train
There is a wocket in my pocket
Mr Brown can moo
Pajama Time
Hey! Wake Up!

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