Sunday, October 7, 2007

ahh.. she's learning...

A few notes about Zoe now.. it is strange how much of them surprise, yet don't surprise me if I think about it. She is learning to communicate, and pretty much throughly understands us.. like "come over here and I'll take off your jacket" or "shoes first before you go outside".. and she understands you and reacts the way you'd think. At first you're surprised because she does react as expected, then you're like, well, she should, she is a little human afterall.

She now reacts to hearing airplanes and looks up for them (and usually spots them).. if the weather ever works out, perhaps we will go watch the float planes take off and land (I saw a posting on it on the UVic parents list).

I bought her some of those wood puzzles by "Melissa and Doug".. one with sounds, one that is just really pretty.

We had a first (and Zoe's real first) Canadian Thanksgiving.. at Jim and Debra's, a friend of Bruce's from swimming.. they were fabulous, we had a great time. Zoe loved playing with their Fisher Price Ferry set (from their kids.. 30 yrs old).. I need to find a few more of those old sets for her.. they are fabulous toys.

Zoe's favoriate books are "I love you as much" and "Freight Train" (the last of which surprises me).. We read about 10 books before bed every night, so I bought a few more and we'll see how they go.

Well.. she's awake.. gotta get her before she jumps out of bed.

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