Thursday, November 8, 2012

Telling the ending

On Sunday, Zoe and I had a bit of a war going on... I was trying to watch the 90 minute finale of Avatar: the last air bender, and the show was kind of intense... Zoe kept asking me if she could tell me how it was going to end... Well, that is a pet peeve of mine and I refused to let this 6 year old, even if she is as cute as can be, and 6, tell me how the show was going to end... She tried to watch it with me, but just got more and more wound up... I started issuing idle threats, and then more threats, including grounding her to her room.. I know, over kill, but I was trying to also explain how important it was to me to see the end unspoiled... But she too got more and more upset to the point she was throwing things and crying... I stopped the show and took her to her room, where we had a little chat... In my discovery, and by putting myself in her shoes, I reasoned out that watching that show was a bit Intense for her and she was trying to spare me the feelings she had when she watched it for the first time... I explained how I really appreciated her looking out for me, how grateful I was that she cared, but how she needed to see my side, as I saw hers... That I love surprises, that there is something about watching something for the first time...  I set her up with her own show in her bedroom,and finished Avatar without her.

"Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand."
Chinese Proverb

Dr. Amy Ashurst Gooch     
Assistant Professor                 amy.a.gooch at
Computer Science                    amygooch at
University of Victoria              agooch at             

   (250)-483-5941    (Canada)
   (801)-649-3923    (SLC Virtual)

1 comment:

pollywog said...

You're a good mom =)