Monday, September 17, 2012

ahh.. fall cold season is here

Zoe has had a fever since wee hours of Saturday.. sore throat.. threw
up twice on Saturday... once of course as we were debating whether or
not she should go to soccer (which she didn't want to)...she threw up
right in my hand.. sort of answered my dilema

.. and the newest fun is a full torso of rash
that she woke up this morning with... My sister said it sounded like
Strep.. Bruce took her in to the Dr this morning... they did the strep
culture, but said it was most likely a virus.

She's on benadryl now,.. taking some quiet time in her room.
Finn is fine..

I'm hoping it will not be a long week.

if you are looking for good TV, the whole family will enjoy "Avatar:
The last airbender" cartoon on netflicks.. we are all addicted.. great

1 comment:

pollywog said...

Wow, really? She had a rash on top of that much sickness and it wasn't strep???