I don't know why I've never thought to do this before.. but here is the letter from Zoe's teacher on what they are doing in Kindergarten.... (we get one every friday)
A Week in Kindergarten
This Week / Cette semaine:
In Math we started our unit on Measurement. The children organized themselves by height from the
tallest to the shortest which is always an amusing activity for the teacher to observe! They then had to
say who was "plus grand(e)" and "plus petit(e)" than who. We also read a book called Le collier le plus
long (The Longest Necklace) and we made our own necklaces out of Play-Doh which we measured
with blocks. Later in the week we organized ourselves from the person who had made the shortest
necklace to the person who made the longest.
In our printing practice, we worked on the letter g, focusing on forming the lower case and then upper
case. The students have been working very hard on their printing and have much more confidence
when forming their letters. When writing with your child, please remember to correct any errors you
see them making (starting in the wrong place, taking their pencil off the page when they shouldn't). It
is much easier for your child to correct the error now than when they are in a higher grade.
This week we had our first of six chess lessons with Mr. Churchill. It was a great lesson where the
children learned all about the pawn and how it can move. They were then able to play the "pawn
game" with a partner to try to get their pawn past their opponent's. They did a great job! If you have a
chess set at home it would be great practice for your child to show you what they learned.
Jolly Phonics – on
Action – make your nose look like a pig's nose and make the sound [on]. This is a nasal sound so you
do not hear the nnnn.
Popcorn word – un / une (meaning: a or one)
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