Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012


To Finn:
"I am too allowed to go outside.  I am not Rapunzle"

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sky dark

Zoe was taking a bath on night and making a big splash and I asked he what was going on...
Z: I am trying to get water up there
M: on the ceiling?
Z: no, up there
M: in the sky light?
Z: no, In the sky dark

Favorite moment

My favorite moment of late was Zoe requesting me to play the oldie "sugar pie, honey bunch" song so we could sing together in the car

getting fat

A week ago, Zoe said something about sugar not being good for you and I told her about some sugar is okay, some kinds are better than others, but if you eat too much, your body can't burn it off as energy so it stores it and that is why people get fat.  This ignighted something where Zoe starting chanting, "I don't want to get fat"... She basically cried for 50 minutes off and on.  She insisted I feed her lettuce for dinner.
She still brings it up and we are working on the lessons of balance, eating lots of different things, and staying active.  It is so strange to me that she is so aware of these big issues.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas and new year

This year's holiday season has come and gone.  It has been a little intense.. work, personal crisis, growing kids...  We needed a break bad so on the 17th we booked a trip to Las Vegas for vacation, then SLC for family and the big days, then Boulder to look at potential relocation.  Zoe was sick almost the whole time.. but was a super traveler... her ears and airplanes dont' work well together, but when we found this little silicon "ear-plane" plugs worked like voodoo... they should come on planes for kids.  I will keep them stocked.  We loved our time in Las Vegas.  Of course it is a bit different going with kids.. we enjoyed lot of time at the MidWays at Excaliber and CircusCircus... it was nice enough to be at the large hot tub at the Mandalay Bay and even nice enough one day to dry off under towels in the sun.  We did spend one day looking at housing in Summerlin, but after a conversation with a bellhop who stopped teaching history so he could make more money, the abundance of Russian Olive Trees (allergy for Bruce), and heavily gated community, we knew we could do better.  
Being with family was good... Enjoying grandparent, cousins, aunties and uncles...
I'll have to get pictures off the camera...

then we went to Boulder to look around as moving potential and the kids finally got a chance to play in the snow in the hotel parking lot.

Then horrendous trip home: Zoe had 3 bloody noses on the plane to Seattle; that night Finn got Zoe's cold and it went straight to his chest.. coughed every hour all through the night.

We got home on the 31rst, and woke up in our own beds to Santa's 2nd batch of Christmas presents.  It was a good day, and having too Christmases wasn't too bad.. may do it again... but may also take a trip to some place warm and sunny instead of the cold.