Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mom, did you pee blood? How Cool!

--warning, the title tells all---

This morning, while I was relishing staying in bed (not sleeping-in
mind you, staying in bed), Zoe comes into our room in search of the
bathroom...and yells... 'Mom, did you pee blood"

I said, sheepishly, "yes"
She responds, "How cool!"

Back story:
about a week or so ago, Zoe went to the ladies room at work (Nanny
picks her up 3 days a week and brings her to work), and yelled,
"ooooh, mom, this toilet has blood in it"

I proceeded to tell her that it was okay, and that every woman bled
once a month, it was normal, she would some day, and it was part of
the process that made it possible for women to have kids.

She obviously thought hard about it, but didn't ask too many questions.

The next day in the car, she asked me...out of the blue, "When was the
last time you pee'd blood?" I told her it was a while ago and that I
would be due any day now. She asked a bunch more, trying to get me to
give her a last date... and then finally settled on, "Well, when you
pee blood next time, will you let me know?"

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