Saturday, July 9, 2011

Zoe at school

Zoe is still at preschool, until the end of July, for a summer
program, less kids, more outside time with the added bonus of water,
bubbles, etc. Zoe loves that she gets to bring her swimsuit to
school. She has been coming home quite tired. When we switched to
the summer program, she still is ther with Claire and Asha.. Her best
buddies, and we moms take the kids to the park afterwards.. Or beach
or our house, or Claire's pool... It has become a circle of friends...
The moms too.. Very nice

Dr. Amy Ashurst Gooch
Assistant Professor amy.a.gooch at
Computer Science amygooch at
University of Victoria agooch at

(250)-483-5941 (Canada)
(801)-649-3923 (SLC Virtual)

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