Monday, February 28, 2011

Zoe the artist

The thing Zoe loves now more than any activity is drawing. About a month ago she painted her first complete scene. Now most of her drawings are people... Her and me, her and her friends, her and the rest of the family..girls most often have eye lashes, a crown with jewels. One recent picture had been filled in, most are outlines. On two separate instances I have seen her get so frustrated that I had to remove her from the area after she crinkled up the paper and snapped all the crayons on reach in half. She is her own worst critic... But in general she draws with such intent, and concentration... I admire her artistic style. She will add repeated strokes to further define pieces... The occasional curly-cue... Buttons on dresses

Pictures to be posted soon.

1 comment:

Rebecca Ashurst Designs said...

Zoe, I hope you continue to like art and become as good as Nana.
Love, Auntie Rebecca