Let me start with this morning and work backwards in time. Zoe is now playing with her "dragon Castle" http://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=3604232
It is the one thing she wanted when we said she could pick out a toy at Target yesterday. She asked all day for it since we bought it. but had to wait until this morning to play with it. She is now playing with her warriors. I asked her, "Are dragons good people or bad people".. she said "Bad people. I must kill them."
Yesterday we took the new Ferry (they bought one or two for the olympics).. it does seem a bit bigger, and it has two new play areas. The one we went to had one large ship and a small one (the size for Finn to crawl around). It didn't take Zoe long to scale the ship by climbing on the rope. and soon she became "Diego, the animal rescuer".. then another girl probably a year older was "Alicia" Diego's sister. the two of them were running around, rescuing animals (chincillas, tree frogs, jaguars).
Then two little boys and a 8 year old ish girl showed up.. Zoe runs over to her before she has a chance to step into the room and says in her loudest voice, "Look, it is a princess. We must save her. Ohhh.. Princess, your majesty.".. this goes on for a while. "Alicia" became a little upset/jealous, but bucked up and they continued to play. The boys got on the ship and Zoe declared them "Pirates"... and said "we must save the princess and kill the pirates" All her own story.
At the pool a weekend ago, Bruce was chasing Zoe on his stomach in shallow water, and finally at some point she hopped on his back for a ride. Then they went into the river (fast moving water.. goes in a circle) and Zoe shouted at the top of her lungs. "We must go fight those girls!"
Zoe is a warrior princess.
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