Then we just walked around the falls the next day, got a bit wet.. the kids were too young to do much of the boating things and they both collapsed so we went back to the hotel. This was probbly Zoe's favorite part of the trip.. she took about 3 baths a day... we'd walk into the hotel, she'd go straight to the tub, strip, turn on the water, and get in.. her own personal pool.
At one point, I even got in tub with Finn and Zoe.. their first bath together... Zoe was so cute.. she gave him a hug, was happy to have him near her, it was precious.
Then we drove to Erie.. meeting up with the family at our beach house.
The first event was Friday night, we tried to meet up with Tice at his house before, but he got tired of waiting for us and went to the race track. Then for dinner, but unknown to us, the kids couldn't come to the bar after 9pm, so we dined by ourselves and went back to the homestead. The next day we went to Tice's for a while, and then to the beach wedding.
Some pictures from the wedding... first from the photographer, then the family. I'll embed some soon.
The beach wedding was hard for a 2 year old.. Zoe wouldn't stand still enough to get in the photographs with family..

I finally talked her into it by asking her to bring two hand fulls of sand to the picture for the camera.. that would work for 30 seconds and she would be off again.

Auntie Carrie was clever and brought snacks for Zoe:

Bruce spent the actual ceremony time manning two kids, trying to keep Zoe out the water.. that didn't work either.. in the pictures after the wedding you can see her dress covered in sand.. it was wet half-way up.

Here is a picture of parts of the new family:

The next day was the BBQ.. Zoe spent the day with her new Cousin Taylor (17) who was very caring and entertained her well for a long part of the day.. they were good buds. The rest of the time was spent on the play set next store (see the pics). She got along well with her aunts and uncles too.. even bonding enough to give Tice a hug goodbye.
The plane ride back was fine, another stand-by direct to Victoria. Zoe at this age does seem to get very apprehensive of bumps in the air... often she has concented to a nap during prelonged episodes of turbulence... this trip back was like that. (and it was good she was asleep for the landing.. that was really bumpy!).
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