Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Zoe's current routine

Because I'm very pregnant, and awfully sleepy, Bruce and I have worked out the following Zoe routine:

Zoe wakes up somewhere between 6:30am to 8:30am.. average is just after 7am. Bruce takes her downstairs and she watches her shows (Dora, Diego, Curious George, Magic School Bus) for an hour while Bruce exercises and showers. Then about the time he is hopping in the shower, I crawl out of bed.. get the little dressed and make Zoe and I breakfast (egg fried well, on top of cut up Canadian Bacon on top of toasted English muffin with Salmon Cream Cheese spread).. we eat together over a glass of milk, sometimes sparkling water, sometimes tea (chai!).

Then we usually play a bit until Anna shows up.

When I get home, we play for a bit, then I make dinner.... typically she plays or colors/"paints" pictures at the dining room table.. although yesterday she was being very naughty.. throwing markers, her leapfrog, general terrorizing. I'm guessing it was because I was on the phone and cooking.

When she doesn't nap (now the standard), she will get the exponential energy release right after dinner, and we often turn on her music class CD and let her (and us) dance around.. then Daddy gives her bath at 6:45 or 7, then in bed by 7:30, get her into PJs/diaper, I read her 2-3 books, give her a glass of milk, a binky. She likes to sleep snugged up on her pink pillow, with a comforter between her and the wall and a body pillow on the other side. She also likes to snuggle her lamb-blanket (head of a stuffed animal, with a blanket body). Then we shut the light off and I sing a song of her choice.. typically "Noah" and if necessary "Silent Night".. that latter of which generally puts her to sleep.

Then she typically sleeps through at least until 3am.. especially if she has access to her binkys and milk. At some point, she'll either wake up freaked out crying, or just quietly come into our bed (about 50%).

On weekends, her dad has been taking her swimming. I rarely go with them.. opting to nap or nest.

When I'm with her for lunch, she usually eats soup or a "cheese sandwich".. two slices of cheese on a tortilla, folded in half and nuked for 30seconds. Then I cut it into strips (about 8-10).

At night, sometimes she asks for "hot milk" which is nuked for 30seconds as well.

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