The rehearsal dinner went equally well.. In the end, Zoe had Dad, Grammpa, everyone swinging her around:

Then there was the wedding... Zoe did not like being around me, but not being able to be with me.. (I was in the wedding line)... Luckily the church did have a crying room.. Zoe and her dad (and Uncle Jeff) watched the ceremony from there.. I could still hear her a bit, but she wasn't interrupting the ceremony...
It was one of the most beautiful ceremony.. Father Mike Rules.. hopefully I can put up the video soon.
At the reception.. we tried to finish photos.. Zoe was done being away from me... I'll put up the pictures soon.. but there was a few where Zoe is standing behind the line.. bawling her eyes out, while we were trying to smile for the photographer.. My sister, who has always been kid crazy, said, "I don't want kids"... maybe I should rent out Zoe and myself for this purpose.. sort of like that reality show.
When the party really got going, I had Zoe watching Dora.. but then the band started... Zoe loves to dance.. you couldn't take her away.. she easily danced for 1 hour, perhaps 2, we didn't leave until 11:15ish... she was still dancing.. I took her away for a diaper change.. she got away from me and ran right back to the floor. (Video soon).
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