Sunday, June 8, 2008


We've had a really nice weekend.. went to the "Oak Bay Tea Party" which consists of parades, midway, beach, food,  Women's Nail Driving contest... really the only parts we made it too were the beach and nail contest (I lost).  Zoe's nap schedule was off, so we missed the parade.

Today was low key.. dropped "Uncle Chris" off at the airport, went to Island View Park until we were frozen (its 53 deg. F today)... then back to the house for Zoe's nap.  We set up the sandbox on the deck, so Zoe can play there, while we fix food or whenever.. turns out that "play sand" is incredibly dusty, dirty stuff...

Tonight after dinner, Zoe was just playing with her Dora legos, I heard her counting.. in Spanish!  she's pretty good.. got about half of them when we went through it with her.. I kept hearing "uno, threzz, see-ez, ocho"... I'd never practiced with her before..

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