... so cute.

Summer has finally made it here, and Zoe has spent the better part of the last two days naked. Yesterday we went to Gonzales Beach... it is a fabulous beach we'd never been too.. I forgot to bring her swim suit and there was a dip in the beach which was full of water.. great for little ones like Zoe.
This morning, Zoe woke at 3am, and would not go back to sleep.. Bruce took the first shift, watching Dora until 5am, brought her to me, and she would not go back to sleep... at 8am we finally went back to her room, slept for an hour.. then I could tell she was starving.. made pancakes. She has not napped either (except the 10 minutes in the stroller). I think it is because it is so warm in the house.
[INSERTING text I put on the wrong blog!]
June 30th, 2008:
Today I bought Zoe a bunch of things, including a swimming tool and Diego legos...
It includes a car, Diego, baby jaguar, and a laptop! I have great video of her playing with them.. to be posted.
Auntie Rachel also brought legos (unplanned by either of us).. two sets of Dora legos, with Benny, a bed, a chair.