Typically I let her watch one while I shower, and then we go upstairs, get dressed, brush teeth, breakfast, and read books....
She is a good eater at breakfast.. probably the best meal she eats.. typically I make her an egg, some toast with salmon creamcheese spread, some fruit (berries, apple or banana "nana")...
then she chants "Dodo, Dodo" again and I have to sidetrack her.
On work days, then the Nanny comes over; On non work days, she's starting asking for her... she loves Anna. Sometimes she wakes up, and the first thing she says is "Anna".
she is still napping for about 1.5 to 2 hours at about 2pm, sleeping on the pad on the floor. We still need to buy a mattress and set up her bed... she hasn't slept in her crib since she jumped out (long ago). She still likes to fall asleep via a stroller ride.. but car rides and sometimes just laying down with her works (we did the latter when on vacation)
When I come home, the first thing she wants is to nurse, and typically she drinks a lot. Then if we are in the tv room, the next thing she says is "Dodo"... if not, its about books. She is now parroting almost anything we say. she says "book" "cook" "blocks".. she loves to play with blocks (big legos, duplo blocks). Yesterday I taught her to say "pretty" and "necklace" (I was wearing one.. when I got home, she touched it gently and said "pretty"...ahhh)
She typically has whatever we are eating for dinner, and if she won't eat it, then I give her peas and pasta and some "dip".. (yogurt or dressing, sometimes ketchup)
After dinner we either play or head straight to bath depending upon mess level and time of evening. I tried to switch her to going to bed by 7:30, based on some things I read, but no matter when she goes to bed, the most amount she sleeps is 11 hours. We are now back to going to bed by 9pm (due to spring forward/daylight savings).. I like it a bit better.. I sure hated waking up at 6 or 6:30am, but do miss the downtime with Bruce, lazing in front of the tv.
Bedtime is typically not too painful, we read in her room on her pad, about 10 books, then we lay down and I nurse her a bit, and sing her songs. As she starts to fade, I cuddle her with a stuffed animal (typically the monkey or sheep-blanket). She has now got pretty good at sleeping peacefully until abut 2am, unless something wakes her (loss of binky, noise, etc.).. but by then she is ready to cuddle with us. Sometimes I just can put her back in sleep in her room, but by morning, she's always with us.
In the morning she wakes up saying "Mama" "Daddy".. and sometimes "Anna" ;)
The other night something strange did happen.. I was putting her to bed and she would not lay down, she went to the door and screamed "Daddy Dada".. over and over. I finally got him to come up and cuddle with us. She seemed relieved.
She is starting to bond with him, and seeks comfort from him more and more (I'm told 20 months is when this starts). It is sweet.
I started this intending to talk about her babbling.. the cutest thing.. on Dora there are "buga buga babbies".. bugs.. that say "buga buga".. well that is sort of Zoe's chant. The cutest thing she says is "bus".. as in "wheels on the bus" and if you get her started, you are in for a treat.. she gets so excited, dances around, twirls, (this too is from an episode, her favorite, of Dora where they sing the song).
Her favorite "I'm bored" activity is to peel stickers off things... she does this at every store... here is a picture of her doing it in Florida at the Key Deer Refuge center.. she placed all the dots from the hats on her tummy.

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