Zoe had a great set of trips... she did pretty well on the flights.. I remember her crying near solidly thru the first flight because it was short and the steward told her (me) that she could not get down and walk around to see the cute girl a row in front of us.. that really made her mad. The next flight she slept thru (to SFO).
We had a great visit with Naren (5) and his parents Vidya and Amod in Cupertino, CA (home of Apple and HP). We hung out, went to Target (great place to get some cute, cute clothes, as well as Dora videos), and went to the San Jose Children's museum. They had a great water exhibit (water + balls = very wet kids.. especially the 3-6 year old boys), and a cool bubble exhibit. We had a few run ins with some boys.. like the kind that tell you no girl allowed on the fire engine.. I tried to teach them, but like they would listen.
We headed to Miami, waking at 4:30am... so early.. I managed to keep Zoe asleep until we got to the airport. The flight went well... she slept 2 hours, and we watched Dora and read books for the rest. Then in Miami, we got the rental car, headed for some food, and then to the Florida Keys. It took much longer than I thought it would.. we got the rental car about 4:30 or 5.. by the time we made it through traffic, dinner, grocery store, etc.. it was 8pm by the time we made it to Key Colony Beach. Bruce tried to take Zoe to see the beach (it was right on the beach), she freaked out with the unknown noise, we waited until morning.

Zoe was up by 7:30.. Bruce was still sleeping so we went to the beach.. the sun was still sort of rising.. it was beautiful.. the beach was fine, light sand.. Zoe had fun destroying my sand castles, but was not one bit interested in the water.
In fact, I think it was 3 visits to the beach before she would head in, and even then it was not with the abandon that she did last year (luckily). Over our 1 week in the keys, we went to Key West twice.. both on days that hit 85 degrees and were much too hot for both Zoe and I. We tried to see Key Deer in their habitat.. even going to the Key Deer Refuge center.. which turned out to be a room in a strip mall.. it did have stuffed deer (even a baby one), stuffed eagles, crocodile, aligator, etc, as well as bug, snake skin, shells, plants for Zoe to play with (more ick). We went to the "Blue Hole", and hiked a little to a sign that says "Path closed due to poisonous snakes and gators".. like they pay attention to the sign and stay on their side... later Bruce saw video with a aligator warning visitors to the whole... fun..
We also spent two visits at the Bahia Honda National Park... pretty nice.. but overall I think our beach at Key Colony was the best.
I remember two things I would have immediately put on the blog, if
we were (not forced to)/(able to) enjoy a full week without internet!
the first, when we finally got Zoe out in the water.. it wasn't too deep or too sharp a fall off.. but one mom came to warn us that there was a jelly fish spotted in the water (man-of-war, a tiny blue, but painfully stingy jelly fish).. and we were both talking to her, assuming the other was watching Zoe and her head went under.. a bad mom moment.. she was fine.. she didn't get too freaked out.. and stayed in the water with us.
The next, I think the day before we left.. she was playing with the new shower near the beach with her dad, who was turning it on and off and she was running in and out, and then out to the beach where I was.. we she fell face first, into the sand.. she had sand stuck to her eyelids, eye lashes, everything... she was not nearly as freaked as I was... and well, the bath I gave her to get all of the sand off, she hated that.. a lot.

Zoe had a good time on the ship. She did really well staying with Ally, the UVic student we brought with us to watch her. (Ally was also her first babysitter, when she would watch Zoe while I taught my first semester.)
Her favorite things on the ship were watching Dora at dinner (it was at least a 4 course meal, how else do you keep her sitting down and not screaming); but she also enjoyed running from the table to the nearby lounge, where there was a wonderful singer and dance floor.. she was hypnotized and loved to dance; I even caught her humming along once.
We had a great time in Cozumel..unfortunately she did not nap long enough, but we survived the day in the sun.
On that trip we also met Maggy a (7? year old) professor's daughter, and the two of them hit it off really well. I think Zoe made lots of other friends too (some smaller, and of course, at least one boy much older than her who she would chase around.