Sunday, May 6, 2007

animal lover

We were invited to dinner at Paul Lalonde and his wife Shawna's house; they have an enormous chocolate lab named Cailou (spelling may be off)... Zoë has always loved the dogs we passed in the park, and has a special scream for them, but this is the first one she's been able to chase and pet and talk to at length.. she loved it. The dog gave her lots of kisses, perhaps more than a mom would like, especially on the ears, and Zoë just went back for more.. it was hilarious. We were often pulling the two of them apart, which made Cailou talk back and that made Zoë laugh harder and longer than I've heard her laugh in a very long time. I'm really looking forward to having her around the dogs in Utah, it will be a treat to watch.

so this morning, after all of Zoë's animal interactions of last night, she and Mischief (our white cat) also had some interactions, for about 1 minute.. the longest yet.. Zoë pulled hair, Mischief put up with it (I think he thinks that since she has an aposable thumb, he might be able to get her to feed him). She is now so blazè about the cats, Molly always wants her attention and rarely gets it.

Also new on the Zoë can do list: feeding herself.. this morning she nearly mastered piping in the Cherios.. several methodologies were used... picking them up with thumb and forefinger, then using the other hand (left) to refine the placement... then there is the sticky method, where Cherios just start to stick and can be licked off fingers and palms.

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