Wednesday, April 30, 2014

first summer like evening

We've had our first summer like evening in Victoria.. it was amazing.. a lovely bike ride to the horsey park.. then ending with kid exhausting "races".. the one that had me laughing until I nearly pee'd was Zoe rolling to get to the shadow of the tree.. instead, she just rolled in large circles.. it was soooo funny.  it was the one race phase that Finn was much, much, much faster than Zoe.

Back at the house for bath, icecream cones top'd with a cherry and off to bed soon.

Friday, April 25, 2014


M: Zoe, it will be a miracle if you get any mustard out of that container.
Z: Yeah.. I did it!.. Thank you God.. oh, and what's her name... Karma!  Thank you God and Karma

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Beach time

Feeding seals

We fed a seal 6 fishes tonight, we'll Finn did. After digging thru my wallet and nagging me for 20 minutes, Zoe would not touch the fish, but Finn had a great time!

Leo.. Drawing and photo

Friday, April 4, 2014