Saturday, February 27, 2010
Finn and Sibling Rivalry
Finn is just now starting to combat Zoe's pushes over toys and such.. his current method is grab hair and don't let go... fortunately I couldn't stop myself from laughing.. it was very funny, so Zoe thought it was funny too and hasn't got her dander up over it..
Zoe the ballerina
Zoe went to breakfast today in her complete ballerina outfit.. it was lovely.. Bruce says I'm living vicariously, but I just think I want her to enjoy being her ;)
I can say if we do move here soon, I want her to help me paint her room.. to make it hers. She is just about old enough. (that I would do to live vicariously through her.. I always wanted to do something "exotic" like paint my room.. my guide is the new Curious George movie... I like what he did)
I also condone her picking out her clothes, regardless of the colors... but will coach her on finding something appropriate for the weather. Her new favorite thing is to pick out socks... non matching ones... and then we will have a discussion (started by her) on which one each of us likes and why...
dancing in the pee
I remember going to a preschool parent education night, and the mom and professional parent advisor saying something about when your kids use bathroom words for everything, and I had something in the back of my mind that said, "never my kid".. well, Zoe says "poopy this" and "poopy that"... her dolls are always getting ready to go pee and going pee... and she thinks of everything round and sitable as a toilet.. a few days ago, I had to drop off a conversation with Auntie Carrie because Zoe sat (in her clothes) on the old ceramic flour pots and pee'd. Tonight, she stripped down to nothing and pee'd on the deck.. then proceeded to dance and, yes, roll around in it... I could not stop myself from laughing.. but I hauled her into the sink.. and she got a bath.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
birthday jealously
Zoe did really well for attending a birthday celebration of her brother's, she was quite jealous and there were periodic tirades... but in the end, she was just happy to play with his toys, and really enjoyed opening them (Finn didn't stand a chance).
however, despite Zoe's saying otherwise, she did not come and go empty handed. Mommy and Daddy bought her a pony (head on a stick) and she got a beautiful snow princess porcelain doll from Isabel. Nana and Grandpa sent her socks and a pretty barbie dress which immediately went on Cinderella (I had to hunt high and low for her, and it had to be her).
At Finn's party, Zoe wasn't always the grateful host to her best friend Emily and brother Tyler (5) who came to the party.. like the time she really wanted the same princess glass we gave Emily or the time she really wanted the purple balloon Zoe was holding, or at the end when she was ignoring her friend and playing her leapfrog alphabet toy... but there was plenty of time that they were running around and screaming (and spraying baby powder).
We made a it snow

you know when your friend comes to you (during your son's first birthday party) and asks you very calmly, with a shy smile, where your vacuum is, and her daughter and son are running around with your 3 year old, that something is up.. I didn't really want to ask, but I did... Well.. a very small bottle of baby powder that I'd had for three years suddenly got sprayed everywhere around my downstairs tv room... the place and our children smell lovely BTW.
Levon took pictures. Bruce vacuumed.. tomorrow I'll have to wipe up the rest.
I'm sort of jealous that I couldn't have been there when it was snowing.
I'm a movie star
Bruce was telling me a story about taking Zoe to the grocery store.. they were picking out sun glasses, Zoe tried on a pair and said things like, "Look at me. I'm a movie star".. and proceeded to strike a pose and strut her stuff.
On this same trip I also believe she said something about already having been eating, to which she clarified that she had been sampling from the vegie isle (I told her if she at anything on that trip it had better be an apple, banana, or pepper.. something good for her, she'd spent the day eating the cake pieces I'd been trimming from Finn's b-day cake).
It turns out that "eating" was really Zoe taking sample bites out of everything in sight.. a cabbage, a broccoli,.... Bruce had to bring them home.. guess I'll make cold slaw.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
We Love Auntie Rachel
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
update on the eye
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Zoe got a major ouch today.. hit her head on the dinning room table... I know Grandpa would ask if she left a mark on the table she got hit so hard.. it instantly turned purple raised and bruised.. scares me.. she was already sleepy from her day.. she went to sleep at 5pm. I tried to wake her at 6pm.. I've been checking on her every 2 hours.. called the nurses line.. I think all is well.
the owie is on the line intersecting the curve of her eyebrown and the corner of her eye.
the owie is on the line intersecting the curve of her eyebrown and the corner of her eye.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I"m naked....
Bruce and I had just finished a day dealing with our first real client for Relevant Games.. we were both even in suits. I went home to get the kids, brought them to the faculty club to meet up with everyone... about 20 minutes in, I see Zoe running in only panties through the club, giggling her heart out, and chanting "I'm naked!".... It was the most crowded I'd ever seen the club... legendary material for years to come I'm sure.
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