Friday, March 27, 2009

welcoming the baby brother

yesterday when I came home, I set Finn down in the kitchen, went to greet Zoe, she went straight to Finn, said things like.. oh, what a cute baby.. look, he's sleeping... ah...

it was so cute!

only after that did I get greeted

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pictures of Zoe in March

doll house

Auntie Rachel gave Zoe this fabulous doll house...

May I?

I've been asking Zoe to ask to get down from the table when she is finished eating.. She's supposed to say "May I get down?" and I reply "Yes, You may."

The other night she asked to get down, and then asked "May I get up?"

This morning she was walking around asking "May I...." and answering "Yes you may" to any questions asked.

(better than "No no no no")

Friday, March 13, 2009

A new nickname for her brother

Zoe calls her brother:
Tiffineas... which is a hybrid of Tiffany (the name of Panos' mom) and Finneas.

She can say Finneas after you.. so its not a pronunciation thing.. it is just how she has the name in her head.

I asked her once if she'd rather call him Finn or Finneas.. she said Finneas.

First three week as a big sister

The first three weeks as a big sister were (are) trying for a 2.5 year old girl. Its hard to separate out what was her being 2 and what was her having competition for time with Mom and Dad (visitors such as Grandpa and Nana, a cold with a fever, not enough sleep, change in schedule, etc.). Zoe's fits have become more frequent and more headstrong. Even two fits at her favorite breakfast place (Pluto's); Also more time spent in her bedroom alone crying it out.

Bedtime routine was the most taxing on Mom and Dad.. napless nights seem to be needed sooner.. a few nights (when she was just starting to get her cold and we didn't know it), she was asleep by 6. Then the night I napped her so she'd make it through to dinner, she wouldn't go to bed until 11pm.. it was too hard. Add to that spring forward time change.. life was trying.

but I don't want to dwell on this too long.. it is a period of adjustment and soon we'll be in a new and better pattern.

Friday, March 6, 2009