Zoe attended SIGGRAPh for the second time... as always, she was the star when she chose to be.. We went to breakfast and then to the mall at first, to let her run around the toy store while I shopped a minute (Clinque ;).... she crashed before we made it to lunch (with Vidya).. and after that she didn't run around much, I think she was still to tired, needing another hour of nap.. so she watched Dora with Daddy (hours worth) while I went around the exhibit floor trying to round up animations, talk to people (AKPeters, etc.)... Then we walked and talked more, she got more lively after fueling up with a smoothy and cereal... then she took off in real force, running up and down ramps, around in circles in the circly hallways, etc.
The cutest part was her talking to the robot ... a nother missed photo opportunity.. but not to worry, I'll catch it tomorrow on video.. got the camera right here... going in the stroller now.
More Dora to recover, played a bit around Evan (Dave and Helen's little boy).. shared her treats, ate some of theirs.
It was a good day with lots of talking (Mommy and Daddy catching up with Utah folks, my students, etc).. all enabled with the help of Dora. gotta love Dora/Diego.